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How To Achieve Working and Caregiving At The Same Time

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Tips for working and caregiving (or running a business) for a loved one can be difficult

Working and caregiving can be overwhelming tasks separately, but when done together, they can put a lot of stress on you, the person filling both roles. Things can take a sudden 360-degree turn when you find your active and healthy loved one injured or severely ill. While you are working and caregiving full time, the extra task of caring for an injured or an ill family member can become extremely difficult.

All of a sudden you find yourself in a difficult situation. You need to be a full-time caregiver to your loved one. And at the same time, you also have a business that demands your full attention and time. Things can really become very tricky fast.

Caring for an ill parent or relative is not an easy task. It requires an enormous amount of energy, coupled with ample time and patience. There is a reason for saying this, because, when you are a caregiver you need to take care of multiple problems. This can be hard to juggle both working and caregiving.

  • Their medications
  • Doctor’s appointments
  • Activities of Daily Living
  • Regular visits to the hospital
  • And much much more

Not to mention the additional cost of all the caregiving expenses. All this put together could also mean, that you may have to take several days of leave from work. Furthermore, you may also have to think of quitting your job. This certainly does not sound to be a very easy and workable idea. How can you think of meeting the increasing financial demands of working and caregiving, if you decide to quit your job? Or you can lose out on important business clients as an entrepreneur.

While you are suddenly thrust upon with extra responsibilities, and you alone playing the role of a caregiver. As well as having a full-time professional, that demands your time and attention. It can undeniably take a toll on your mental, emotional and physical health.

Are you find yourself playing a dual role, of a caregiver and an executive or an entrepreneur?  Then you seriously need to connect with me, for assistance and advice. You can book a free planning session with me, The Ultimate Caregiving Expert so that we can discuss the best way to assist you on this journey.   I know I have been there!  The last 4 years I have cared for four family members with various ailments, from Alzheimer’s, Congestive Heart Failure, Bladder Cancer and A Broken Hip.  I did this all while working and traveling back and forth from Florida to Louisiana every week.  Now I have the experience, and expertise to help you as well.  I also have twenty-five years of experience in running my own home care agency.

Who can The Ultimate Caregiving Expert help?

I help busy professionals that are looking for ways to juggle between caregiving and business.

Are you feeling stressed out due to the extra demands and responsibility of caregiving coupled with business and other tasks?  Do you want and pray for more hours in a day, so that you can do more for both the jobs that demand your equal attention and your loved ones.

So, if you find yourself fitting into any or all of the above criteria, then it is time for you to get in touch with The Ultimate Caregiving Expert. The Ultimate Caregiving Expert can help you plan and organize your life.

Furthermore, if you let The Ultimate Caregiving Expert help you with all the necessary and required caregiving needs. You can sit back and relax and unwind your mind to efficiently balance both working and caregiving.

If you choose to work with The Ultimate Caregiving Expert, I would –

  • Provide you with your caregiving coaching and consulting.
  • Manage all the administrative duties for your business, so that you can manage both your responsibilities with ease.
  • Research as well as create effective blog posts for your business.
  • Teach you or someone else the basics of caregiving
  • Also, do other miscellaneous tasks, that can help to make your life a lot easier

I would love to help in any way if you would like to work with me. Please, contact me for a free planning session today.

Tips to take care of your loved who

Most importantly, we need to realize that we have parents or relatives at home that requires care. or a loved one who is in the hospital and demands your round the clock care. It can certainly affect your employment and personal life.

Tip #1: Details Matter

Talk in detail about the physical needs of the patient and the caregiver. Once you understand, that your loved one would no longer be able to care for them themselves for a specified period of time. And that you would have to provide for their physical and emotional needs. Then it is always suggested that you both have an open discussion regarding the care. This is because this sudden change would affect both of you.

Tip #2: Expectations vs. Reality

Understand and discuss the expectations Vs reality. Your loved one may expect you to do certain things a particular way, while you may be comfortable in doing it the other way. This may give rise to conflicts, causing unnecessary negative feelings, which may in a way cause hindrance in caregiving. Therefore, it becomes necessary for both of you to discuss all your expectations. Also, discuss the best possible way to get the job done. Keeping in mind the health, emotional status and professional commitments of the caregiver.

Tip #3: Body Mechanics and Transferring

Lifting your loved one – This is one of the most difficult yet inevitable tasks of caregiving for a person who is not feeling well. When you know lifting is inevitable, then you would want to do it carefully, without hurting yourself in the process. Make sure, you are standing as close to the person as possible. Exert the greatest pressure on your legs while lifting, without giving a lot of pressure to your spine. If you wish to learn more about moving your injured loved one from one place to another. You can get a detailed explanation from my book, titled Body Mechanics.

Tip #4: Grooming and Hygiene

Take care of the hygiene of your loved one. It is necessary to understand, that personal hygiene becomes extremely necessary while caregiving. The fact that your loved one has become immobile, and cannot perform the tasks by themselves. You need to take care of their personal hygiene and yours as well. This will help in protecting you and your loved one from getting infected by germs. As a caregiver, it is extremely important to know about when and how frequently you should be washing your hands. You will be able to get these and many more important details from my ebook titled – Health essentials. Order your personal copy now!!

Tip #5: Emotional Needs

Understand your loved ones and your emotional needs. At the end of the day, you need to realize that you and your loved one are human, and can also fall prey to emotional stress. Stress is common, but you need to learn ways to overcome and manage it if you want to do justice to your job of caregiving. You need to master the art of dealing with the emotional stress that you face each day while caring for your loved one. Learn about the various tips and tricks to deal with emotional stress in my ebook titled – How to effectively conquer thinking and feeling. Come check it out!

Tip #6: Organizational Management

The organization is very important in caregiving. Maintain a caregiving organizational planner. While you are caring for a loved one, you would have to manage many important documents.

  • Paper Work
  • Prescriptions
  • Medical reports
  • Records of future and past appointments
  • And much, much more

In this case, you would need a planner, where you can organize all of these in one place. I have also prepared such 5 printables. Which include activities of daily living, home diabetic chart, medication record sheet, and vital signs chart. This guide is full of useful information, to download your copy of the organizer or printables, click on the link.


If you register with me, I can easily modify the printables based on your needs and requirements. These printables, make life a lot easier for you and your loved one.  I hope, all these tips on caring for your loved one, will come in handy. Also, to anyone who is busy managing his own business and taking care of family responsibilities. Let us work together, to help you and your loved one come out of the blues of your life.

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