
HR Professionals CareWise Solutions Program FACILITATOR GUIDE



HR professionals across the nation face the Caregiver-Crisis in their organizations daily. Extended leaves-of-absence, absenteeism, presenteeism and unproductive workers impact the bottom-line. Estimates suggest that corporations lose over 5% of revenue to caregiving-related issues.

Still, most current solutions force the responsibility onto the caregivers themselves. They are told to “manage their self-care” better and learn to “meditate to destress.” The healthcare industry is shifting more and more responsibility to family caregivers. Statistics show that once a family member spends more than 10 hours per week caregiving, most of that additional time is spent in medical support.

CareWise Solutions offers solutions for HR Professionals to support their organizations through the Employee-Caregiver transition.

The HR Professionals CareWise Solutions Program FACILITATOR GUIDE offers explanations for how to present the workshops in the program, online or in person.

CareWise Solutions also trains HR professionals (and team leaders) to facilitate programs that support employee-caregivers on the job.

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