CareWise™ Blogs

Nothing Personal, Just Business: Why Our Attitudes About Caregiving and Employment Need to Change

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Why Our Attitudes About Caregiving and Employment Need to Change

  • Talk about innovation and disruption? Here is the biggest challenge of our generation and everyone is missing it! (Oh, until they face “it” squarely themselves)
  • Business trend analysts frequently identify the growing freelance labor market and the influx of Millennial workers as paramount employment challenges. But employees with caregiving responsibilities have been largely excluded from the mainstream narrative of the new business era.
  • So, why haven’t employed caregivers been included in this conversation?

  • The answer to this question first demands a quick review of the Caregiver Crisis. To summarize the crisis, our national need for long-term caregiving is rapidly growing and far surpasses the supply of accessible and high-quality caregiving options. On the demand side of the equation, the huge increase of people needing long-term care can be attributed to major factors including the fact that Americans are living longer; that the U.S. population is proportionally aging; that instances of chronic mental and physical illnesses are on the rise; and that the U.S. healthcare system is overburden. On the supply side, the average compensation given to caregivers is simultaneously too low to attract enough professional caregivers to the industry, and too high for many families to afford long-term care that suits their specific needs.
  • Even though transformational shifts are driving the increased demand for long-term care, business attitudes toward caregiving have not shifted in accordance.

  • Informed by demographic assumptions from decades ago. Corporations are still treating caregiving as if most households have access to a caregiver. And as if “caring” primarily manifests in short-term, predictable forms that can be handled by programs like “maternity leave.” These assumptions were perhaps appropriate in the 1950s when women predominantly stayed home and could take care of caregiving needs around the house, and when caregiving needs were not as commonly long-term as they are today. Today, 80% of people work, so policies belied by assumptions that each household has access to a factor full-time caregiver who can provide care for an undefined amount of time are egregiously outdated.

The Internet of LifeWorkx2021, digital improvements for living to work and meeting family commitments. LifeWorkx is equipping people and businesses to change the model of where, when and how we work. It is re-framing l the Employee Caregiver Crisis as the corporate threat that it is; a thirty-year care cycle that puts 40% of the talent at risk of random selection into “the other job”.—Unskilled “at home” care.

The proper care can be taken only when you’re at a stable condition stage and it is very important. It is also important that you need to take care of yourself too. Only then it will be possible for you to take care of your family members.

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