CareWise™ Blogs


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The new way of working. 

Ever dream of a better and new way of working, living, stronger relationship time with family and friends? “Yes, But.”

Take a different walk in the woods than today’s reality! Tremendous wealth has been created by companies offering devices for things such as games, medical monitoring, home security, intelligent automobiles, personal appliances such as Fit bit monitoring cool things like our sleep and waking.

The Internet Of Things is what this period of time is called.

In the next years, we will see movement up the value chain for the higher level of use of the technology available through the Internet.

We predict that the Internet of Lifeworkx is peering around the innovation and opportunity corner of Silicon Valley and other technology hubs across the world.

The Internet of Lifeworkx is a vision of simplification of the transactions and the integration of applications enabling the digital lines between Work-Life – Family and Caring to be equally unnoticed.  New boundaries (or lack of them), modern social values and shifting demographics with new customs will insist on this realization.

It is going to happen, it is just a matter of when and how.

Look into the motivations of a greatly diverse and inclusive workforce.  50%-70 % of them will not be working in an on-site premise sometime in the next 5 years. This is not telecommuting, this a new era, a new generation of opportunities for people who work.

Schedule changes

New models of work such as Digi-Flex vastly alter where, when and how we work, transforming relationships between people, work and the hierarchical structure of most traditional businesses.  This is not a schedule change as businesses’ frequently offer, this is once in a century change from how we worked, how we collaborated and managed teams.

As seamless, collaborative relationships engulf us so, the abilities needed to integrate Work-Life – Family And Caring. Imagine a LifeWorkx Central dashboard, accessible anywhere, anytime by as many people as needed, one portal with all the Connected Age access we could imagine.

Re-Framing the consumer as the WHOLE PERSON of enabled by technology CAPABILITIES can create a new Work-Life-Family And Caring ecosystem. Think about the quality time we could experience having a remote dinner visiting Mom or Dad in an assisted living facility as they age. This would replace the drive and provide the important “being there” involvement.

We could significantly reduce windshield time by having the support. And to step out of our work area to participate in important meetings with teachers at school, with the doctor.

Employee-Care Challenged

Ask the 70% of employees who are Care Challenged with on average 21 hours of “Family Care” every week if they could use relief from their Time Famine; a howling YES! How about workers’ remote capability to be sure the “care” is happening, transforming their roles into a care manager, not caregiver!

Maybe there is a LifeWorkx Private space that businesses could provide so that employees can be present at work and not distracted by these daily life responsibilities in a more sensible, digitally-enabled platform. With our personal, programmed dashboard or mobile portal. Solutions for the simplification of bureaucratic.

Administration such as re-doing of forms, applications, medical records at every turn. We can enhance our relationships beyond virtual gaming.

Take a look at changing relationships that are dramatically changing.  Think about talent with vastly different Work-Life-Family And Care motivations than the past 30 years. Look at the changing demographics that are accelerating elder; child and disability care to new heights.

We can do a lot better. The assortment of communications and interacting technology exists. But the organizing structures and gaps in the content are missing to meet our needs.

Silicon Valley and NY Alley and all technology innovation spaces around the world. There are a lot of commercial opportunities for you.  Start with people who work and have a thirst for life but are overburdened with tasks and things. Envision an Internet of LifeWorkx.” 2021 —Great Goal!

Jeannette Galvanek

Founder and CEO

LifeWorkx, Incorporated

Read Also: Why our attitudes about Caregiving and Employment Need to Change

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