Job Skills Help Jose′՛ as a CareWise™ Empowered Employee
Jose΄ has one of those jobs that requires solid time and project management skills to be effective for his employer. When faced with a series of tasks at work, Jose knows to focus on how “we can make this happen” to get the positive results his employer needs.
When faced with managing the care of his aging parents, Jose′ is a caring and loving son. Early on, he helped out by picking up some slack here and there. He ran errands and organized simple projects that helped his parents continue to live independently. Over time, the care they needed was escalating… and tensions rose. Time was short as commitments were constantly overscheduled.
Family Caregiving is Time Consuming
One of the biggest problems is time. Nothing was taken off of Jose’s responsibility list when he began caring more for his parents. He still has a wife, children, and a job to attend to as well. So, soon enough the question of how to use his time most effectively arises. More and more it becomes difficult to bank any time for his own needs and those of his family. The demands on his time, especially in helping his parents with their medical problems, creep upward. So, it becomes time to apply those same skills he uses at work. This takes thoughtfulness and clear intentions.
~ Don’t be a victim of the medical system! ~՛Jose΄ turns to CareWise™ for information and empowerment. He knows that there must be a more reasonable approach to dealing with these issues. He just needs to know how.
His parents’ primary care physician seems to feel that Jose should simply do everything that is necessary for his parents. In reality, Jose΄ almost wishes he could provide this care for them. But he knows that the stress, time constraints and his lack of medical training have already created problems with his family and his job.
He asked himself many questions that CareWise™ workshops and papers helped him answer:
- Can he hold reasonable boundaries with the doctor? Can he say “no”? If so, what other options exist to provide what his parents need?
- What really are his roles and how do they match everyone else’s expectations?
- How can he still be a good son, without doing everything?
- Are there tools available? How does he access these tools? Can technology help?
- What knowledge and skills does he need to acquire? And how?
Jose΄ turned to the CareWise™ HUB for answers. The training, videos, action planning approaches equipped Jose΄ with the ability to prepare, plan and act. He is no longer reacting and accepting everything as his responsibility. He knows why the doctor’s appointment is scheduled and the questions to ask. He plans for outcomes. He actively manages his time. No longer does he “fight fires” running from one activity to the next, managed by a traditional mindset.
The CareWise™ Empowered Employee
Jose΄ now has a pretty good idea of what he can and can’t do when it comes to caregiving. The doctor says, “Now you need to help them get up and down the stairs.”… or “Start helping them with their personal hygiene.” The CareWise™ empowered Jose knows how to respond. He is able to reject the responsibility of the pseudo-medical activities without feeling guilty. The real and modern role of a family caregiver is now clearer to Jose΄, his parents, and his family.
The doctor works with Jose΄ on follow up prescription management or other important medical events or home care processes. When it is time for a simple follow-up appointment, Jose asks for a 3 way Skype call, with his parents, himself and the doctor, instead. That way, he can take the call at work, with minimal interruption.
A CareWise™ file was created for his family members. He stores the file on his mobile phone along with other information that helps with caregiving support. Now, even though he still takes time off to attend appointments, he gets back to work more quickly than he used to, and he feels in control. He is less distracted and far less stressed. No longer is the caregiving process creeping up on him with worries, tension and even more things to do.
Jose΄, as a CareWise™ empowered employee, is able to manage his caregiving responsibilities as he would his job. His parents receive better, more consistent care. His boss still gets his best work. And his family sees Jose΄ as more relaxed and back to enjoying life, and his parents.
A personal story from Jeannette G … Join the Journey
CareWise™… Work and Care Naturally