
CareWise™ has some significant solutions for the growing caregiver crisis in America. Let’s work together to put these solutions into the hands of those who need them most.

CareWise Solutions emerged before millions of employed caregivers were pushed closer to their limits by COVID 19. We foresaw the caregiving crisis brought on by our aging society more than a decade ago. But caregiver concerns are finally in the headlines!

Every day, we work to root out inequality for caregivers in every organization, from corporate boardrooms to retails stores, to restaurants and for remote workers. But the work takes enormous resources, so we rely on you as a supporter to continually fuel our work.

It’s clear that we are facing a caregiving crisis for childcare, aging and disability care that is the major responsibility of the health and caring institutions. CareWise Solutions, in parallel, aims to improve the conditions of employment, so employees can retain their health, jobs, income, savings, and family relationships. We believe that over the next 2 to 3 years, we will see progress in the ability to work and care more naturally.

Join now with CareWise Solutions to fight for a world where everyone is respected at work, with the opportunity to care for loved ones who are aging or have special needs without feeling guilty, ashamed, or fearful of losing their job.

Donate now to sustain the fight.

CareWise Solutions.ORG is a 501(c) (3) Public Charitable Foundation. Your donations may be tax-deductible.

A Message from our Founder – Can You Help?

If you have been following the growth of CareWise™ Solutions, you know that we are a small entrepreneurial, female-owned business. That said, you probably understand that funding from established venture capital and foundations is hard to obtain and often non-existent.

My professional experience is global telecommunications leadership. My personal drama included leaving that executive career due to family caregiving responsibilities. As most do, I experienced the health, financial and relationship losses that usually come with that role.

I decided 8 years ago to “do something.” With my unique expertise in organization and workforce transformation, I realized that this dilemma was a shared employer issue and not merely a family matter. I cashed in a large life insurance policy and started my business with basic operating funds. We cobbled together a global team with expertise to build (and not just talk about) solutions. In fact, each and every man and woman on the CareWise™ team has personal care experience. Such intimate insights!

At CareWise Solutions we proudly offer learning programs, workshops, reports and other resources as reasonably priced solutions. We know you need these resources and action tools. And we understand both company and family budgets are already stretched.

Please consider visiting our Non-Profit Website here.

    How can we help you ?
